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1. Everything seemd to install OK under Windows , and I am able connect
to UTORvpn. However, when I browse the internet it seems as if I am not on the
UofT network. Library sites still ask me for a password, and resources I expect
to be able to access are still forbidden. What is wrong?
You must use the "Run As" feature to start up the UTORvpn with Administrator
privileges. Being logged in as administrator is not sufficient for OpenVPN
to work. This can be done by right-clicking on the icon on your desktop and
choosing the "Run As" option, and selecting a user with administrative rights
to your computer.
2. When I try to run the VPN, there is an error message in my log file saying:
"WARNING: Your certificate has expired!"
Your certificate has reached its expiry date. Please recreate your
configuration file by visiting the secure site at
https://vpn.utoronto.ca/. Follow the
instructions for installing your configuration file.
3. When I try to run the VPN, there is an error message in my log file saying:
"SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ca md too weak"
Your certificate is out of date. Please recreate your configuration file by
visiting the secure site at
Follow the instructions for installing your configuration file.
4. OpenVPN fails to start and I see the following entry in the log file:
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in
utorvpn.ovpn:25: tls-remote (2.4.0)
Newer versions of OpenVPN don't support an old configuration file. If you see
this error, you will need to edit your configuration file. You can do this by:
Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the task bar and select "Edit Config".
MacOS (Tunnelblick):
Click the Tunnelblick icon in the task bar, and select "VPN Details...". On the
configurations tab, click the gear icon in the lower left corner and choose
"Edit OpenVPN Configuration File..."
You will need to replace this line:
tls-remote UTORvpn-Server
with this:
verify-x509-name UTORvpn-Server name
5. Who has access to the UTORvpn service?
Currently this service is only available to staff, faculty and graduate
6. What Windows versions does OpenVPN run on?
Windows Vista and later.
7. What versions of Unix does OpenVPN run on?
Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Solaris.
8. Does OpenVPN run on Macintosh platforms?
Yes, OpenVPN runs on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) through 10.10 (Yosemite). It is also
supported on iOS devices.
9. What's this OpenVPN thing? I thought this service was called UTORvpn...
OpenVPN is an open-source
package written by James Yonan. It is the VPN software that UTORvpn uses to
provide this service.
10. I am trying to log into the website with my barcode number and keep getting
refused access. Why is that?
11. I'm using my UTORid and password to log in, and they even work over at
my.utoronto.ca, but I'm being rejected here. Why is that?
12. When trying to download, I get a message telling me that the installer could
not be created because the source file could not be read. What's wrong?
This is a problem with the Netscape browser, specifically version 7.1. If you
use a different browser like
Mozilla Firefox or Internet
Explorer, you will be able to download your installer. [To read more about Firefox,
click here]
13. Which internet traffic is routed through the VPN when I am connected?
When you are connected to UTORvpn, all of your internet traffic will be routed
through the UofT network.
14. My connection to UTORvpn fails, and there is a line in the log file saying
"TLS Error: TLS handshake failed". What should I do?
Your keys are being rejected by UTORvpn because a newer copy of them exist on
the server. Go back to the download site and download your
configuration-only installer. Once you install that package, you will
have no problems connecting to UTORvpn.
15. I am running OpenVPN under either Unix or MacOS X, and when I start the service
from the command line I get the following after entering my username and
password: "FAILED -> utorvpn.ovpn not connected ..."
You must run the OpenVPN service with root privileges.
16. When I try to run the VPN, I get an error message telling me that "All
TAP-Win32 adapters on this system are currently in use." What can I do to fix
Please make sure that the UTORvpn network adapter is active. You can do this
by looking in your "Network Connections" under the Control Panel. Find the one
that is associated with a TAP-Win32 adapter and check to see if it is
deactivated. If so, you can re-activate it by right clicking on the network
adapter icon.
If you have a question that is not answered here, email it to VSS. In the email,
please attach a copy of your log file.