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Installing OpenVPN Connect (courtesy of UTORvpn)

Before starting this installation, please ensure that you are running iOS version 5.0 or later.

  1. First, install the "OpenVPN Connect" application. If you are looking at this page from your iOS device, you can click this link to go to the iTunes store page for "OpenVPN Connect". Once you have located the app, click "Install" to have it added to your device.
  2. Next, generate a unified OpenVPN configuration file. The generated configuration will be sent to you by email. That email will include instructions on how to handle the attached configuration.
  3. Click on the small "+" (plus) icon that will appear in the OpenVPN Connect app to load your configuration file.
  4. That's it! Now that you have loaded your configuration file, continue reading here to learn how to start up and use OpenVPN.
@ 1.4 log @sync. @ text @d3 3 a5 1

Installing OpenVPN Connect (courtesy of UTORvpn)

d14 1 a14 1 First you will need to install the "OpenVPN Connect" application. d17 1 a17 1 to be taken to the iTunes store page for "OpenVPN Connect". d19 1 a19 1 click install to have it added to your device. @ 1.3 log @UTORvpn -> VSKEY-GW, OpenVPN @ text @d3 1 a3 1

Installing OpenVPN Connect (courtesy of UTORvpn)

@ 1.2 log @just basic info @ text @d3 1 a3 1

Installing UTORvpn

d12 2 a13 2 First you will need to install the "OpenVPN Connect" application. If you are looking at this page from your iOS device, you can d15 5 a19 3 to be taken to the iTunes store page for "OpenVPN Connect". Once you have located the app, click install to have it added to your device.
d22 6 a27 7 Next you will need to install the UTORvpn configuration file. Log in to the secure UTORvpn website in the Safari web browser with your UTORid and password, and create your configuration file if it does not already exist. Once you have created the file, click "Your Configuration File", and you should be presented with a screen that will allow you to "Open with 'OpenVPN'". (If you do not see a link for "Your Configuration File", click on "Mac OS X" at the bottom of the screen). d30 1 a30 1 d37 2 a38 1 d43 1 a43 1 continue reading here to learn how to start up and use UTORvpn. @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @a0 15 Using UTORvpn a2 94
d39 3 a41 2 That's it! Now that you have loaded your configuration file, continue reading here to learn how to start up and use UTORvpn. d43 1 a43 48
d45 1 a45 1 @