.. _Docker: Docker ====== Docker image based on the official Python distro on `Alpine Linux `_, and `VSS-CLI `_. * Python 3.6 Alpine `uofteis/vss-cli`_ Usage ----- If you do not have a Python setup you can try using ``vss-cli`` via a container using Docker. .. code-block:: bash docker run uofteis/vss-cli ``docker/docker-vss-cli`` is a helpful script to run the ``vss-cli`` within a docker container. Just download the file and update the environment variables if required, give execution permission and move the file to your ``$PATH``: .. code-block:: bash # U of T curl https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/raw/master/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli chmod +x vss-cli # Public curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EIS-ITS/vss-cli/main/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli chmod +x vss-cli The following example shows how to pass environment variables for pre-configuration: * ``VSS_TOKEN``: Already generated and valid access token. * ``VSS_USER``: Username to access the API and other related services. (optional) * ``VSS_USER_PASS``: Username password. (optional) * ``VSS_OUTPUT``: CLI default output. Either `yaml`, `json` or `table`. (optional) * ``VSS_ENDPOINT``: API endpoint. (optional) .. code-block:: bash export VSS_TOKEN= vss-cli configure ls ENDPOINT USER PASS TOKEN SOURCE --------------------------------- ------ -------- ----------------------- ----------- https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca eyJhbGciOi..._CZuStX4WE env .. _`uofteis/vss-cli`: https://hub.docker.com/r/uofteis/vss-cli/