ITS Cloud News

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello from the ITS Private Cloud! Welcome to issue 2023.1. Read on for ITS Private Cloud news, tools, security advisories and features released within the last month (or so).

Have ideas for future issues? Reply to this email with suggestions or feedback.


VMware Tools for Windows update addresses a denial-of-service vulnerability (CVE-2021-31693)
A fix is available in VMware Tools for Windows v12.1.5 in the VSS-Windows Content Library as Item VMware-Tools-windows-12.1.5-20735119.iso.
Announcing VSS-CGN network available at the ITS Private Cloud
We are excited to announce the general availability of a new Network using RFC 6598 address space, and the UofT institutional Carrier-Grade NAT appliance (CGNAT).


How to deploy a VMware Photon OS VM pre-configured with the vss-cli in minutes
Photon OS, is an open-source minimalist Linux operating system from VMware that is optimized for cloud computing platforms, VMware vSphere deployments, and applications native to the cloud.
Upgrade your Microsoft Windows 10 VM to 11 on the ITS Private Cloud
Based on the Windows 11 Specs and System Requirements | Microsoft, we have gathered the following checklist to help bringing your Windows 10 to the latest Windows 11.

Tools & Formulas

VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v2022.11.0๐ŸŽ‰
You can now install the vss-cli with Homebrew on macOS.
Also, compute vm mk from-file brings even more attribute support: firmware, extra-config, day-zero.config-file-name, day-zero.idtoken-file-name
Need a Time Machine Server?
Try our first vss-cli formula ๐Ÿงช.


All virtual machines running on ITS Private Cloud are required to have VMware tools (or equivalent) installed and up-to-date
Both VMware Tools and Open-VMware Tools latest versions bring stability and reliability to the guest operating system runninng on a Virtual Machine.

Have questions, a special use case, or business requirements?

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