ITS Cloud News

👋 Hello from the ITS Private Cloud! Welcome to issue 2023.6. Read on for ITS Private Cloud news, tools, security advisories and features released within the last month (or so).

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Billing and Rate Changes
We have successfully transitioned to a new, flexible, consumption-based monthly billing model. Thank you for your patience, trust, and support throughout this transformative journey.
Billing Frequently Asked Questions
A new section to ensure you have all the billing information you need at your fingertips.
Billing Portal
A self-serve portal designed to provide you with easy access to your billing history, cost trends, service contracts and FIS codes.


How To mitigate CVE-2023-20867 affecting VMware Tools for Windows
VMware released security advisory VMSA-2023-0013 with Low severity affecting VMware Tools for Windows (CVE-2023-20867).
How to update your contact information on a Virtual Machine
Having a valid and up-to-date email address in your ITS Private Cloud instance is essential to receive updates in a timely manner.
How-to Deploy an Ubuntu Server or AlmaLinux instance with the vss-cli
We are offering Ubuntu Server and AlmaLinux Cloud image deployment in minutes (experimental🧪).

Tools & Formulas

Virtual Machine Cost Calculator
Calculate your estimated monthly costs for using the ITS Private Cloud and export to PDF.
Virtual Machine Inventory new feature
A new attribute has been added Change Requests to the VM inventory. If included, it will provide a summary of last month changes on each virtual machine.


ITS Private Cloud Guideline: VM Administrator
The ITS Private Cloud stores user related metadata in the virtual machine annotation field. This data is frequently queried by our set of automated tasks to run multiple health checks and notify promptly to virtual machine owners of any issues.

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