ITS Cloud News

👋 Hello from the ITS Private Cloud! Welcome to issue 2023.8. Read on for ITS Private Cloud news, tools, security advisories and features released within the last month (or so).

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Introducing Ubuntu Pro POC for the ITS Private Cloud: Elevating Your Ubuntu Virtual Machines
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a Proof of Concept (POC) that brings the power of Ubuntu Pro to virtual machines (VMs) running on the ITS Private Cloud.
Understanding Your ITS Private Cloud Bill
The more you know about our Virtual Machine hosting service rates and additional services, the easier it will be to make informed decisions about your VM usage or whether certain resource tiering is right for your business needs.
Billing Frequently Asked Questions
A new section to ensure you have all the billing information you need at your fingertips.


How-To Deploy Windows Virtual Machines using a Golden Image, Templates and Guest OS Specification
In this How-to we will use a Golden Image, Templates, and Guest OS Specification to demonstrate an efficient virtual machine deployment process.
How-To Access UT VSS user storage with Graphical User Interface.
ITS Private Cloud users are allocated complimentary space for storing ISO and other Virtual Machine related files.
How-to Deploy an Ubuntu Server or AlmaLinux instance with the vss-cli
Take advantage of the new Ubuntu Pro offering from the ITS Private Cloud to enable Enhanced Security, Performance Optimization and Streamlined Management by following the next steps.

Tools & Formulas

Deploy Landscape to manage your Ubuntu servers
Take advantage of the Ubuntu Pro offering and manage your Ubuntu VMS with Landscape. Our team has made available a vss-cli formula 🧪 to get you up to speed.
VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v2023.8.0
Documentation and examples have been moved to our main docs website for your convenience.


ITS Private Cloud Guideline: VMware Tools
All virtual machines running on ITS Private Cloud are required to have VMware tools (or equivalent) installed and up-to-date.

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